Stuff Starbucks People Like

This is a blog dedicated to the amazing customers (and their fans!) of Starbucks who write their groundbreaking ideas on the My Starbucks Idea web site. The BOLD text represent REAL comments on the starbucks web site.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Special Segment: A Report on The Egg People!

Starbucks people may be alarmed to learn that there seems to be a small e-community of egg lovers forming. Elise at has ignited an egg frenzy over there. Check out some of these eggcelent quotes from the comments:

"Everyone has an opinion on boiling eggs! My two cents: " Nah, no thanks.

" Friends think I'm odd because I keep hard boiled eggs in the refrigerator, but each week when I grocery shop I get a dozen fresh eggs and boil up the remainder of the last carton. There's always 4-6 hard boiled eggs on-hand. Need a quick snack/meal-egg salad sandwich! Salad needs something-slice a hard boiled egg up. Dog is being a picky eater-slice a hard boiled egg over his food. How's that ad go? The incredible edible egg!" Your friends are trying to tell you something.

"I just adore hard boiled eggs too! When it's not a work day, my favorite way to eat them is to boil the eggs, then while they're still warm, mash with a bit of butter (or if I'm feeling very virtuous I use something like Smart Balance) and then season with sea salt and fresh ground black pepper. I never get tired of eating this!" - Kaylyn (Click her name to see her blog featuring... a photo of eggs at the top!) Now I would say this person should totally hook-up with the person above her for a love match, but then she confused me with that whole workday thing...why not eat an egg on the workday. Just how dedicated are you to the egg?

"Thank you, thank you for this! I have struggled for years on how to make the perfect hard-boiled egg (re: one with a lovely yellow yolk)." Unite our struggles! Solidarity with all oppressed peoples of the world!

I have heard that adding vinegar to the boiling eggs is just a myth. My mother did it, I do it, and everyone I know does it. I'm going to write to the American Egg Board and find out once and for all." It's true, it's a total myth. No one else but you has done it. Yep, you're totally alone in this. All..... alone. It's a good thing you have the support of all of us here at the egg people's forum.

These are too amazing not to share....

"I spin the egg on the counter and if it spins perfectly and doesn't wobble like a weeble wobble, I know the eggs are cooked to perfection."

"I read about a similar method in the New York Times a couple of years ago, and I've had nothing but perfectly boiled eggs since."

I eat my morning hard boiled eggs with light soya sauce and white pepper -- been doing that ever since I was a little girl. Sooo good!

"What - no discussion on centering the yolks? Perfect deviled eggs must have the yolk centered."

I'm with you the best way is with hot sauce!"

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