Stuff Starbucks People Like

This is a blog dedicated to the amazing customers (and their fans!) of Starbucks who write their groundbreaking ideas on the My Starbucks Idea web site. The BOLD text represent REAL comments on the starbucks web site.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

South End Mommies are HOT!

"A lot of the times I stroll into Starbucks with my nine month old wishing i had some baby food to extend my visit. Maybe offering organic baby food such as crackers would be nice." Okay. This woman so lives in the South End of Boston with about 900 million other women just like her who can't seem to figure out why the gay male population is dwindling. She can barely fit her SUV stroller in the store. I'm surprised she hasn't just installed an espresso machine on the back of the stroller itself so she could continue her caffeine high to provide her with the energy it takes to run around the South End with her 9 month old all day looking like a hot mom. Why the urge to extend your visit? do you love Feist, excuse me, Sia that much!?

She's famous too! Here is an entire Boston Globe article all about her!!

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