Stuff Starbucks People Like

This is a blog dedicated to the amazing customers (and their fans!) of Starbucks who write their groundbreaking ideas on the My Starbucks Idea web site. The BOLD text represent REAL comments on the starbucks web site.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

*beside* = so excited, just a little pee.

"When I went to Hawaii, I was *beside* myself to find Maui-specific Starbucks gear! I bought a ton of it! When my girlfriend went to Scotland, she fully expected to find special Starbucks cards with tartans on 'em and whatnot, but there was nothing special offered. I wish you'd taken the $$$ you spent on toaster ovens and put it into this sort of thing instead. Even a silly "San Luis Obispo" Starbucks magnet would be cool! I would go to every Starbucks just to collect 'em! Thanks for listening to my idea." I know I, for one, would much rather have a Maui-specific Starbucks t-shirt than have my bagel perfectly toasted in the morning. Fuck the toasting, and the brewing, and the sappy music listening - all I need are lots of pretty locale-specific themed doo dads. Unless you want to put tartans on the bread and then toast 'em and whatnot... that would be adorable. Then you could sell the cookie cutter tarton thingies and i would snatch each and every one of them up like I did those beanie babies back int he 90s. I have every single beanie baby known to human kind, and they have a special room in our house. Or, you could open a starbucks in every country at Epcot so I can take a quick trip around the world and collect 'em all at once. Nah, too easy.

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